Ep 031 – Sleeping in Trucks and Making Loud Noises at Deer with Dustin Wallenburg

Andy's Things and Stuff
Andy's Things and Stuff
Ep 031 - Sleeping in Trucks and Making Loud Noises at Deer with Dustin Wallenburg

I met Dustin back in 2016 when we were going to start teaching classes at a now defunct gun shop in Harrisburg. Then he and the other guys on the board at Sioux River Sportsmen’s Club volun-told me to join the board, of which Dustin is the president. He’s a husband, a dad, a woodworker, cabinet installer, enthsiast of meticulous things that are hard to do, and he drove 500 miles with one broken rifle to hunt deer.

SIOUX FALLS SHOOTING can help you have a good time safely with your guns, learn to shoot, get better at shooting, or get your South Dakota Enhanced Carry Permit, and you will have fun in the process. Check out Andy’s classes or book a private session by going to SiouxFallsShooting.com

Ep 029 – Leaving the Mothership with Joe Sneve

Andy's Things and Stuff
Andy's Things and Stuff
Ep 029 - Leaving the Mothership with Joe Sneve

Joe Sneve is a journalist, co-founder of The Dakota Scout. We talked about his departure from the Argus Leader, what goes into starting a new business and publication, and much more. Topics included: $5.33 is what it cost to get Joe as a guest? Legislators party for three months, Lord Calvert isn’t as bad as it looks, car salesmen > politicians, how newspapers screwed themselves, why he is not an activist journalist, and “news tips welcome.”

SIOUX FALLS SHOOTING can help you learn to shoot, get better at shooting, or get your South Dakota Enhanced Carry Permit, and you will have fun in the process. Check out Andy’s classes or book a private session by going to SiouxFallsShooting.com

Ep 026 – My Favorite Booty Call with Tyler Meester

Andy's Things and Stuff
Andy's Things and Stuff
Ep 026 - My Favorite Booty Call with Tyler Meester

My buddy Tyler is back on the podcast. We talked about his python, the offroad trail that is Cliff Avenue, shooting stuff, going to the DMV four times in a month, we’re too honest to sell things, having a conversation with something you made, the new shooting range north of Rapid City, and lots more.

SIOUX FALLS SHOOTING can help you learn to shoot, get better at shooting, or get your South Dakota Enhanced Carry Permit. Check out Andy’s classes or book a private session by going to SiouxFallsShooting.com.

Ep 024 – Reality TV Star, Someday Podcaster, and Sometimes Home Builder Matt Roach

Andy's Things and Stuff
Andy's Things and Stuff
Ep 024 - Reality TV Star, Someday Podcaster, and Sometimes Home Builder Matt Roach

Matt Roach is the co-owner of Pride Built Homes, a dad, a husband, a podcaster (someday), and was featured on the HGTV show Down Home Fab with Chelsea and Cole DeBoer. Topics included: leaving radio, renovating houses on a reality show, talking about Matt’s bougie podcast that still hasn’t started, Matt’s sleepwalking story and the origin of “Manila Matt” as a nickname, Andy sleepwalking in public in his underwear, and much much more in this marathon of laughs episode of Andy’s Things and Stuff!

SIOUX FALLS SHOOTING can help you learn to shoot, get better at shooting, or get your South Dakota Enhanced Carry Permit. Check out Andy’s classes or book a private session by going to SiouxFallsShooting.com.

Ep 021 – Burly Men Sending Cat Videos with Nick Hartig

Andy's Things and Stuff
Andy's Things and Stuff
Ep 021 - Burly Men Sending Cat Videos with Nick Hartig

Lot of funny stories with my buddy Nick. He is a husband, dad, works on power lines, likes shooting stuff, and is obsessed with using fire to cook meat. Topics: Nick’s first podcast he listened to was one he was on, how Nick ended up working on high voltage power lines, dropping out of college is a good thing, Nick and Andy’s obsession with Instagram cat videos, crazy things weather do to power lines, that big Chinese balloon that went over the US, what it’s like being a new dad, walk out of the hospital if they have become worthless, pizza quality, Casey’s or Pizza Ranch? The pizza with no grease ring story, Balls Deep Nick, skydiving and 3-gun, Nick’s journey to shoot on national 3-Gun Nation TV show, grilling and burning wood to make meat taste really good, and lots more. 

SIOUX FALLS SHOOTING can help you learn to shoot, get better at shooting, or get your South Dakota Enhanced Carry Permit. Check out Andy’s classes or book a private session by going to SiouxFallsShooting.com.

Ep 020 – War Stories and Heat Stroking with Jeremy Williams

Andy's Things and Stuff
Andy's Things and Stuff
Ep 020 - War Stories and Heat Stroking with Jeremy Williams

My buddy Jeremy Williams is on the podcast this week. He can fix anything and does so for the City of Sioux Falls. He’s also a veteran, a reserve sheriff deputy, armed security guard, shooting instructor, and USPSA nerd. Topics: Jeremy has probably looked through your purse, service and deployment to Iraq, how we both got heat stroke and blood pressure medication, the match trip to Omaha, the lap burrito, and shooting stuff.

SIOUX FALLS SHOOTING can help you learn to shoot, get better at shooting, or get your South Dakota Enhanced Carry Permit. Check out Andy’s classes or book a private session by going to SiouxFallsShooting.com.

Ep 019 – Eating Elk and Lighting Farts on Fire with Joe Erickson

Andy's Things and Stuff
Andy's Things and Stuff
Ep 019 - Eating Elk and Lighting Farts on Fire with Joe Erickson

My brother Joe is back on the podcast. We drank whiskey and I fed him a delicious elk loin steak (backstrap) and he admitted he liked it even though I reverse seared it. We also told a bunch of stories from when we were kids, including him correcting me on the story of him lighting a fart on fire that shot a flame four feet high. Other topics: ABS and traction control keep teens from learning how to drive, the neighborhood boys, snow is crazy in Sioux Falls, modern cars confuse us, being gamer dads, Joe likes Fortnite, Andy likes Rocket League, church pastors who are interesting, guns we wish we never sold, nerdy shooting stuff.

SIOUX FALLS SHOOTING can help you learn to shoot, get better at shooting, or get your South Dakota Enhanced Carry Permit. Check out Andy’s classes or book a private session by going to SiouxFallsShooting.com.

Ep 018 – The #1 Local Best Radio DJ’s who Aren’t On The Radio Anymore with Tash

Andy's Things and Stuff
Andy's Things and Stuff
Ep 018 - The #1 Local Best Radio DJ’s who Aren’t On The Radio Anymore with Tash

Tash is back on the podcast to bask in the glow of our major award for something we don’t do anymore! Other things discussed: more memorable stories from radio days, Tasha’s Iowa Test of Basic Skills scores, Downtown Burger Battle burgers, Andy scaring Tash at State Theater after Die Hard, and a bunch more randomness… like we always did.

SIOUX FALLS SHOOTING can help you learn to shoot, get better at shooting, or get your South Dakota Enhanced Carry Permit. Check out Andy’s classes or book a private session by going to SiouxFallsShooting.com.

Igor the Comedian, Casey Kustak – Ep 004

Episode 4 - Igor the Comedian, Casey Kustak
Andy's Things and Stuff
Igor the Comedian, Casey Kustak - Ep 004

I’ve known Casey for over a decade when we did open mics at a comedy club. He is still a comedian, now an actor in his third production, Young Frankenstein with the Premiere Playhouse in Sioux Falls. Topics included: dad stuff, opening for Jeremy Piven, how to pronounce “mule deer,” how our kids made us cry, getting in trouble at work for doing standup.

SIOUX FALLS SHOOTING can help you learn to shoot or get your South Dakota Enhanced Carry Permit. Check out Andy’s classes or book a private session by going to SiouxFallsShooting.com.