Ep 048 – Golfing St. Andrews with Lee Trevino, and Meeting Grandpa’s WWII C.O. with Tom Erickson

Andy's Things and Stuff
Andy's Things and Stuff
Ep 048 - Golfing St. Andrews with Lee Trevino, and Meeting Grandpa's WWII C.O. with Tom Erickson

Part two of the episode with my dad. We had a little more whiskey and bourbon by the end of this one. Topics: Mom made me a sandwich, traveling the world in the Air Guard, Meeting Lee Travino at St. Andrew’s, Dad’s trip to Minneapolis to meet Grandpa’s commanding officer in WWII, the crazy pilot who beat a an F-15 with an A-7 in a war game.

SIOUX FALLS SHOOTING can help you learn to shoot, get better at shooting, or get your South Dakota Enhanced Carry Permit, and you will have fun in the process. Check out Andy’s classes or book a private session by going to SiouxFallsShooting.com

Ep 032 – Live From Utah, Drawing Houses and Pistols with Robert Wyatt

Andy's Things and Stuff
Andy's Things and Stuff
Ep 032 - Live From Utah, Drawing Houses and Pistols with Robert Wyatt

Robert Wyatt lives in the Salt Lake City area, is co-host of the PARAcast podcast (Spotify, Apple), and designs homes for a living. He’s also a rabid USPSA shooter, like me. We mostly talk shooting, but we also talked a fair bit about our Vietnam veteran fathers, and he started designing homes at 13 and still does. Topics covered: heinous safety violations, why our right ears our losing hearing, getting accidentally shot at, the PARAcast’s podcast is not about ghosts, Mormons are preppers? reloading mistakes and good advice we didn’t listen to, how to record podcasts, the USPSA coup d’etat, and much more.

SIOUX FALLS SHOOTING can help you have a good time safely with your guns, learn to shoot, get better at shooting, or get your South Dakota Enhanced Carry Permit, and you will have fun in the process. Check out Andy’s classes or book a private session by going to SiouxFallsShooting.com

Ep 013 – 80-Year-Old Bombs and Sketchy Boats on Guadalcanal with Jeff King

Andy's Things and Stuff
Andy's Things and Stuff
Ep 013 - 80-Year-Old Bombs and Sketchy Boats on Guadalcanal with Jeff King

Jeff King is large man from Omaha, Nebraska. He and I met shooting matches and classes, but most of this episode is spent talking about his fascinating trip to the historic World War II sites on Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands. There was lots of history, and more than a few sketchy and dangerous situations on a big group tour. We also talk a little USPSA.

SIOUX FALLS SHOOTING can help you learn to shoot, get better at shooting, or get your South Dakota Enhanced Carry Permit. Check out Andy’s classes or book a private session by going to SiouxFallsShooting.com. Pistol Skills coming up December 31!