Joe Sneve is a journalist, co-founder of The Dakota Scout. We talked about his departure from the Argus Leader, what goes into starting a new business and publication, and much more. Topics included: $5.33 is what it cost to get Joe as a guest? Legislators party for three months, Lord Calvert isn’t as bad as it looks, car salesmen > politicians, how newspapers screwed themselves, why he is not an activist journalist, and “news tips welcome.”
SIOUX FALLS SHOOTING can help you learn to shoot, get better at shooting, or get your South Dakota Enhanced Carry Permit, and you will have fun in the process. Check out Andy’s classes or book a private session by going to
Recorded the night before the midterm election. Topics discussed: Phones down in Pierre, why the rest of South Dakota hates Sioux Falls, one guy I’m voting for, how to choose who not to vote for, what the hell is Amendment A? Summer Shandy is almost gone but the weed is coming.
SIOUX FALLS SHOOTING can help you learn to shoot or get your South Dakota Enhanced Carry Permit. Check out Andy’s classes or book a private session by going to