My brother Joe is back on the podcast. We drank whiskey and I fed him a delicious elk loin steak (backstrap) and he admitted he liked it even though I reverse seared it. We also told a bunch of stories from when we were kids, including him correcting me on the story of him lighting a fart on fire that shot a flame four feet high. Other topics: ABS and traction control keep teens from learning how to drive, the neighborhood boys, snow is crazy in Sioux Falls, modern cars confuse us, being gamer dads, Joe likes Fortnite, Andy likes Rocket League, church pastors who are interesting, guns we wish we never sold, nerdy shooting stuff.
SIOUX FALLS SHOOTING can help you learn to shoot, get better at shooting, or get your South Dakota Enhanced Carry Permit. Check out Andy’s classes or book a private session by going to
Summer Shandy is back in stores, elk meat farts, snow plows didn’t plow all the snow, Kids Getting Hurt on Instagram, The Terminal List is a great show and so is the (audio)book, and what it is like to take one of my classes.
SIOUX FALLS SHOOTING can help you learn to shoot, get better at shooting, or get your South Dakota Enhanced Carry Permit. Check out Andy’s classes or book a private session by going to
My buddy Tyler Meester returns to the podcast. We laughed a lot and both told some stories that we could not have told were this on the radio. Topics discussed: Spring Creek is our favorite local golf course, GFP wants to ruin Spring Creek with a campground, snowmobiling, Eagle Rare is good whiskey, Crystal fully used Andy’s bathroom when they were dating, snowmobiling and the rest of Tyler’s 5 favorite things to do, Andy and Tyler’s 3 favorite concerts of all time, the stress of being self-employed, Andy’s favorite interviews from radio, Icepocalypse (2013) and the River Glacier Storm (2019) and this year’s Derecho, Adam Sandler concert in KC, what a comedian said to make an elderly couple walk out of the Holiday Inn bar in Spearfish, puking on a roller coaster.
SIOUX FALLS SHOOTING can help you learn to shoot, get better at shooting, or get your South Dakota Enhanced Carry Permit. Check out Andy’s classes or book a private session by going to Pistol Skills coming up December 31!
We tried again and it worked, I recorded a podcast with my chatty high school daughter, Jackie. She gets into cars with a backpack on and she tries to explain why. Other topics discussed: goofy games with dad, strange laughs, Jackie’s joke, cussing kids, suicidal musical theater, math with letters is hard/not hard, polls in school, new Taylor Swift album, making dad cry on the way to school, CD’s slap and bussin’, bouncing her face off of a bar.
SIOUX FALLS SHOOTING can help you learn to shoot or get your South Dakota Enhanced Carry Permit. Check out Andy’s classes or book a private session by going to
I completely shit the bed recording the podcast. Did a great hour with my daughter, Jackie, and I messed up settings and she wasn’t recorded at all. So I did a short episode this week. We will try again next week. Topics included: I hate myself, happy birthday, Dad! Damn the politicians, mourning Summer Shandy.
SIOUX FALLS SHOOTING can help you learn to shoot or get your South Dakota Enhanced Carry Permit. Check out Andy’s classes or book a private session by going to
Recorded in our tent at the Reva Gap Campground in Harding County, South Dakota, my good buddy Tyler Meester and I went antelope hunting. A married father of one in his mid-30’s, Tyler had never been hunting before. We talk about the hunt, the crazy land of Harding County, the scourge of prairie cactus, stalk stories, a dusty truck, a Gucci tent, and the wonderful Mr Buddy Heater.
SIOUX FALLS SHOOTING can help you learn to shoot or get your South Dakota Enhanced Carry Permit. Check out Andy’s classes or book a private session by going to
My brother Joe, aka Painter Joe of Painter Joe’s Painting, came down to the basement to talk about how he started his business and how to drink whiskey. Other topics discussed: why you’re worthy of being a podcast guest, how Andy decided to become a pew pew instructor, how many kids is a lot, how Joe tortured Andy and his children going up stairs, Joe’s bitch of a dog.
SIOUX FALLS SHOOTING can help you learn to shoot or get your South Dakota Enhanced Carry Permit. Check out Andy’s classes or book a private session by going to