Ep 077 – Cop Stories and Brrr Brrr, with Jared Stepp

Andy's Things and Stuff
Andy's Things and Stuff
Ep 077 - Cop Stories and Brrr Brrr, with Jared Stepp

Jared Stepp is from the Salt Lake City area, he’s a cop, a shooter, an instructor (his company Waypoint Training), and a pretty funny dude. We talked about cop stories, shooting stuff, and Jared’s mission to get cops better at shooting so they are ready for it when they need it someday. We also talk bourbon and how wonderful it is.

SIOUX FALLS SHOOTING can help you learn to shoot, get better at shooting, or get your South Dakota Enhanced Carry Permit, and you will have fun in the process. Check out Andy’s classes or book a private session by going to SiouxFallsShooting.com

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Ep 028 – Literally Peeing on the Podcast with Bert Shoumaker

Andy's Things and Stuff
Andy's Things and Stuff
Ep 028 - Literally Peeing on the Podcast with Bert Shoumaker

Bert is a funny dude. He’s also a cop and used to launch jets from air craft carriers in the Navy. Topics discussed: becoming a cop, launching jets in the Navy, fingering phones, crazy without beer, being a goofball and also being a role model as school resource officer, Bert pees on the podcast, good dick days, trying to get better at USPSA, the woman that gave him covid, and a whole bunch more.

SIOUX FALLS SHOOTING can help you learn to shoot, get better at shooting, or get your South Dakota Enhanced Carry Permit, and you will have fun in the process. Check out Andy’s classes or book a private session by going to SiouxFallsShooting.com